B’liev - Without Limitations.

Bringing a big idea to life, for a brand without limitations.

A brand ethos.

Continuing from an initial brief to support the launch of ‘B’liev’ Plant-based Protein Shakes, ambitious young entrepreneur Aria wanted to effectively communicate his wider, forward-facing brand ethos to investors, partners and collaborators.

With plans for a portfolio of products – the first being the protein shakes – Aria was focussed on connecting with people who shared his outlook and were aligned with his vision for collaborative product development.

Five brand pillars.

Working together with creative producer Dominic Apenteng, we already had a shoot planned, and it made logical sense to capture content for brand communication, as well as product launch.

After spending time with Aria, and hearing his own inspirational story, we identified five pillars of the brand - Disruption. Innovation. Courage. Possibility. Collaboration – and working with copywriter Steph Whalley, began to weave a narrative around each.

Presented for partners.

Bringing imagery together with brand language and the five brand pillars of ‘Bliev’, compelling partner presentation decks were created, as well as the brand book that included product number one.

Imagery, messaging and typography were wrapped around the brand pillars to project the ‘B’liev’ brand ethos.


Forever Manchester - Community Charity


Feragaia - Alcohol-Free Spirit