Forever Manchester - Forever Fund.

For celebrating lives well lived and landmark moments.

Made accessible for all.

With previous projects having given me a comprehensive understanding of Forever Manchester, a charity that raises money to fund community activity across Greater Manchester, I was asked by the CEO to deliver a strategy for refreshing their ‘Forever Fund’, with the aim of making it more accessible for all.

Inclusive of the entire community, the ‘Forever Fund’ fund provides Greater Mancunians with a unique way to create a personal legacy, one that celebrates a life well lived by a family member or friend. It also provides a way to create a unique legacy that celebrates landmark moments and new beginnings.

Introducing levels.

Traditionally, donors had always been high wealth individuals, and so this strategy was designed to introduce three levels of donation – working titles ‘Commemorative Brick’, ‘Blue Plaque’ and ‘Statue’ - enabling everyone to contribute and create their own legacy. It was to be a strategy for the inclusion of everyone, regardless of status or wealth.

Creating a footprint.

This meant the introduction of a separate ‘Forever Fund’ footprint, online, on social media, and in print, making the fund far more visible and accessible. This footprint would facilitate the three specific levels of donation, as well as ‘Forever Fund Plus’, providing opportunities for named community activities and corporate matched donations.

Opening up.

The ‘Forever Fund’ is a stable source of income for the Forever Manchester charity and the aim was not only to ensure its future stability, but also to increase donor numbers.

This strategy was designed to help the ‘Forever Fund’ become something far more personal, opening it up to a much wider audience and providing an opportunity for everyone in the community to create their own legacy and have something special to treasure and share.

All images are reference only. Source - Unsplash & Pinterest.


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