Use.News - Editorial Design.

An immersive experience and a screen time detox.

Take a break, read all the latest.

With research quoting stats that we, as individuals, are now spending somewhere between six to eight hours of screen time every day, it’s clear we desperately need a reason to take a break sometimes.

A reason to move away from screens.

A personal and effective way to communicate, Use.Space sends out newsletters on a regular monthly basis, the open rate is very impressive too. But for the July ’23 ‘Who/What/Where/How/Why’ issue of Use.News the decision was to break from the norm and give people a reason to move away from their screens.

Extra real estate.

A newspaper format was chosen, and this meant the planning, writing and designing of a much deeper level of content. It also meant an opportunity to go ‘old-school’ and create tabloid format spreads.

The extra real estate allowed me to introduce the team, talk about how we meet and why it matters, and explain the rhino that stands so proudly in the space. It also gave me the space to feature two artists whose work is on the walls of Use.Space, present the fundamentals of branding, and highlight our work with Manchester Metropolitan University.

Turning pages.

When the final print arrived from the excellent Newspaper Club, the excitement felt when opening the first box of copies was only matched by the absolute satisfaction of watching people grab a copy (and a coffee), sit back and start turning the pages.

Newspaper Club.

The Newspaper Club help people around the world print their own newspapers. They are passionate about paper and where it comes from. They’re also proud supporters of ‘Trees for Life’, whose mission is to rewild the Scottish Highlands by enabling restoration of the Caledonian Forest.


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